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JOey aldrich


Position: President

Major: Human Biology Minor: Kinesiology and Health Education 

Classification: Senior
Career Goals: My goal is to become a physician!
Hometown: New Braunfels, Texas

Favorite place to eat in Austin: Jack Allen's and Gino's (Round Rock)

Fun Facts: I was born with a black eye!

Favorite GMT memory: Every single time I give a toy or sticker to a young patient, their eyes instantly light up. Nothing else is better than those moments!

Why did you join GMT? I joined GMT because I wanted to make a difference abroad, but also in my local community. GMT offers so many local volunteer events, with many aimed at helping underserved communities throughout Austin. With my SE Asian heritage, I have also seen firsthand the medical disparities experienced by my extended family abroad. I have always wanted to do something about it. After two eye-opening trips to Panama and Peru with GMT, I have gotten to fully experience what it is like to participate in global medicine, while also making a tangible difference in those communities. I have learned so much from GMT and I am excited to share it with y’all this next year!

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