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nicole Kowalchuk

PositionVolunteer Coordinator 

Major: Human Biology B.S.

Classification: Junior
Career Goals: After graduation I hope to attend medical school! My dream is to go into oncology, but I am definitely open to other specialities as well!
Hometown: The Woodlands, Texas

Favorite places to eat in Austin: Uchiko, Gourdough's, Mozarts, and Dollar Slice

Fun facts: I used to have an Australian accent, I've met Tom Holland, and I am an EMT!
Favorite GMT memory: Going to the Winter Dominican Republic trip in 2023 and being able to connect with everyone there! I made so many best friends and I loved to hear all the stories that the locals told us each clinic day. We spent New Years all together and it was a magical experience to end our clinic day watching fireworks on the hotel rooftop! We also brought so many toys for the little kids we would meet there and seeing their faces light up was just so memorable to me.

Why did you join GMT?I initially joined GMT when I heard a previous president talk about the organization and the trips they were able to do that year. I was so excited to join to delve deeper into the pre-health world and meet people who have the same goals and aspirations as me. When I did my first volunteer event, I was fully hooked on everything this organization had to offer. I wanted a positive and uplifting environment and that is exactly what I felt at the first events I attended. The people I've met truly make GMT how wonderful it is and I am proud to say I met my best friends and biggest motivators in this organization.


shishir Chilukuri


Position: Volunteer Coordinator 

Major: Biochemistry/Biophysics BS

Classification: Sophomore 
Career Goals: As of right now, I would like to become an orthopedic surgeon!
Hometown: Houston, TX

Favorite places to eat in Austin: Cabo Bob's

Fun facts: My left arm is longer than my right.
Favorite GMT memory: My favorite memory was the 2024 Spring Panama trip. The whole experience was very new and fulfilling with memories that I will hold onto forever. The immersion into a foreign culture while being treated like family abroad truly created a wholesome experience.

Why did you join GMT? I joined GMT for the community and friendship it provides. As a freshman last year GMT provided countless friends and mentors that guided me through my classes while creating fun events for the weekends.

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